The Torah is in the Hands of the Jewish Nation

Our Sages teach us in the Gemara (Berachot 5a) that Hashem does not conduct himself like human beings, for when a human being sells an object to another, the seller is upset about the loss of the object he was forced to sell and the buyer is happy about the acquisition of his new purchase….

Who Wrote the Torah According to the Torah?

Who Wrote the Torah According to the Torah?Jewish and Christian tradition ascribes authorship of the Pentateuch to Moses in the 13th century B.C.E. Is this what the Pentateuch itself implies about who wrote it and when? Prof.Christopher A. RollstonWho Wrote the Torah According to the Torah?People participate in helping a scribe complete a Torah scroll….

Parashat Terumah / פרשת תרומה

God spoke to Moses… Some say that this was said to Moses during the 40 days on the mountain (Tanna DeBei Eliahu Rabbah 17; Lekach Tov on Exodus 35:1; Ibn Ezra; Baaley Tosafoth; Zohar 2:194a, 224a). According to others, it was said after the Golden Calf, when Moses went up for the second set of…

Parashat Shemot / פרשת שמות

Shemot 1:101הבה נתחכמה COME ON, LET US DEAL WISELY — Wherever הבה is used it has the meaning of preparing oneself and making oneself ready to do a particular matter; it signifies as much as: get yourself ready for this (cf. Rashi on Genesis 11:4 and Rashi on Genesis 38:16). 2נתחכמה לו LET US DEAL…

The Aliya in Torah

The Aliya in Torah  by the Chazon Ish zt’l The Chazon Ish, Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz (1878-1953), one of the greatest Torah luminaries of recent times, lived in Israel from 1933 until his passing. His views, actions, halachic rulings and writings continue to have a major influence on the fabric of Torah life everywhere.from “Maase Ish…

Method of Learning Torah

Method of Learning Torahby Rabbi Simcha Wasserman zt”lGuidance from one of the greatest sages of our time on how to learn Torah properly. (He was also the son of Rav Elchanan Wasserman, Hy”d a most profound talmud scholar and one of the main disciples of the Chafetz Chaim)Transcripted, with permission from the audio tape: Maimonide’s…

Going to the House of Hashem

Parshas Bamidbar Shavuos This coming Motza’ei Shabbat, we begin observing the holiday of Shavuot. R’ Yitzchak Arama z”l (Spain; died 1494) asks what he calls a “strong question”: Why does the Torah never mention that Shavuot is the anniversary of the Giving of the Torah? He offers several answers: First, the Torah cannot logically command us to observe the day of…

The Festival of Pentecost (Shavuot)

The Festival of Pentecost (Shavuot) CHAPTER 6 And you shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, that is, the first fruits of the wheat harvest… (Exodus [Shemot] 34:22 NAS). You shall count seven weeks for yourself; you shall begin to count seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain. Then…

The Nash Papyrus – An Ancient Witness

The Nash Papyrus –An Ancient Witness Several years ago I heard about a most remarkable document. This ancient document, known as the Nash Papyrus has survived as an ancient witness to some of Israel’s most important words relating to religious life and conduct for humanity. The document is a single page consisting of four precious…

The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53

A Vision Given During Troubled Times…To The People Of Jerusalem Living Under The Imminent Threat Of Invasion.In 701, The King Of Assyria, Sennacherib, Sargon’s Son,Came Over With His Army And Invaded The Kingdom Of Judah.We Know From The Assyrian Sources That They Destroyed 46 Of The Cities Of Judah.Narrator: According To The Vision, The Lord…

Parashat Vayetzei / פרשת ויצא

Lesson Summary Parashat Vayetzei is the seventh weekly reading in the annual Torah reading cycle and the seventh reading of Bereshit (“Genesis”). Vayetzei (וַיֵּצֵא) is Hebrew for And He Left and is the first word of the parashah, which begins with Ya’akov’s (Jacob) departure from his family in Be’er Shava (Beersheva) and his journey toward Haran, to the family of his mother, Rivkah (Rebekah). The parashah records the…

Acquiring a Merit in Torah

Question: Can one pay a Torah scholar a substantial sum of money in order to acquire a portion in all of the Torah he has studied thus far? Answer: Indeed, included in the Mitzvah of Torah study and Tzedakah is the great Mitzvah of financially supporting Torah scholars, especially the needy among them, so that they may continue their…